Bible study

At Mt. Elon we believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. It is our hopes that through teaching and preaching the Word's of God that we first, honor God, second, teach the words in each book that accurately portray the original authors intent, and finally, that we teach the Scripture in a way that is relevant in our current society so that we can apply God's word to our life and hopefully be doers of God's word and not just hearers.

On Sunday mornings at 9:30 am we have a variety of Bible study small groups for all age groups.

We offer child care for nursery age children. Our Bible study age groups start at the ripe early age of 3 years old on Sunday mornings. We believe that the spiritual training of our children begins early in life.

We have multiple children's Sunday school groups, a middle school group, a high school group, a men's group, a women's group, and two couple's groups.

Our hope is to have a class that will allow anyone and everyone to find a place to study the Bible on Sunday morning.

On Wednesday nights at 6:00 pm we also offer a joint small group Bible study for men and women.

Men's Bible Study

Sunday nights we offer a Bible study small group for men only from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm.

Women's Bible Study

Sunday nights we offer a Bible study small group for women only from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm.

Youth and Children

On Sunday nights at 5:30 we offer youth Bible study and on Wednesday nights at 6:00 pm we offer Bible study for our youth and children during the school year.